Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Okay, my past problems don't seem so bad now that I've had a week to reflect on them. Plus the fact that I spent yesterday afternoon and evening, as well as the morning through dinner time with my lovely daughter and her family played a large part in feeling better about it.

Presents have been opened, and food has been consumed, too much, but that is what the holidays are all about. I mean if you can't overeat during this time of the year, when can you do it? Good times, good food, plus spending time with your family and friends, it just doesn't get any better.

Some were missed this year, but I spoke with them on the phone and so at least kept in touch. With some this was not possible and those will never be forgotten. It just makes you appreciate all those who are still in your life all the more.

Some have not been a part of my life long enough due to circumstances beyond our control. This includes those who I never knew at all or just met very briefly. Life has a way of dealing you a set of cards and those cards are all you have to play with, no matter how much you protest.

And lastly, there are those who will not be around forever, even though it sometimes seems that way. We take their presence for granted and should not do so. Life and the time spent with family is precious and should be treasured. We can see that with those who recently left us, too soon, but then life offers no guarantees it seems.

And so another Christmas has come and is slowly fading into oblivion. Monday morning means back to work for a lot of us and soon the holiday we shared will just be a fond memory. Try to keep the spirit as long as possible and don't ever forget the times we spent together. Remember for some, it's possible this will be the last one spent with those you love.

To Huey Ray and James Louis, you are sorely missed by those who loved you. God willing one day we will meet again...

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