

Jim had noticed an old Ford on a previous trip up and had wanted to find out if it was for sale and how much they were asking, but each time he tried, no one was home. It just so happened that they were out mowing this time when we passed by, so we got a close look at the 1950 Ford Custom, 4 door sedan. The car was pretty complete, including the original flat head V8, but some restoration had been done previously. The asking price was $500, so Jim took his number and will no doubt try to negotiate a lower price. At least he got the details he was looking for, so that all worked out well.
Also drove up to Lawrenceburg and had a bite to eat at one of my favorite places, Skyline Chili. Growing up in Cincinnati, Skyline was one of the four basic food groups for us. Of course United Dairy Farmers was on the way back, so ice cream for all was a must have!
As I mentioned, one of the reasons for their visit was so that Jim could repair a section of my firewall where a previous heater core leak had rusted a hole all the way through. Lucky for me that Jim brought several implements of destruction so the job could be completed. In the end a small abrasive cutting disc was the right tool for the job as a small section was cut from the firewall and replaced with new metal. Now I need to use a wire brush to scuff up the paint so I can use a can of yellow Rustoleum paint to finish the job.
The Trip

We plan to take a northern route out and coming back we hope to follow a trail similar to the old Route 66. Here is a partial list of the places we want to visit: Clear Lake, Iowa (where the music died); Mt. Rushmore; Deadwood, SD; Sturgis, SD; Devil's tower; battle field at Little Bighorn; Yellowstone (Old Faithful); Bonneville salt flats; Reno, NV; San Francisco; Giant redwood trees; Los Angeles; Hollywood sign; Santa Monica Pier; Death Valley (Scotty's castle); Las Vegas; Hoover dam; London bridge; Grand Canyon; Winslow, AZ; Amarillo, TX (Cadillac ranch); Dodge City, KS; Branson, MO (largest ball of twine); and finally Kennett, MO (Sheryl Crow's hometown).
Of course planning and doing are two different things, but we do hope to see most everything as we have 17 days to do it in. I will have a computer with me and hope to blog some from the road. That always depends on how tired I am at the end of each day.
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