Monday, October 29, 2012

Another trip

Just got back last night from another trip I took, this time to Arkansas to visit my son and his family. My granddaughter Carly went along, plus a little feller that I hadn't seen before up until the time I picked him and his mother up, my great grandson, Trevyn Edward Bailey! We had planned to leave about 9 last Monday morning, but Carly thought the ride would be much more pleasant if we traveled at night so Trevyn would sleep.

And sleep he did, all the way down. We left Carly's house about 12:30 AM and arrived at my son's house about 7 AM. We stopped once at Henryville to fill up and once again on 1-24 to use the facilities. I only drove 65 mph on the highway and I think we made pretty good time.

They live near Blytheville, and as such they are on central time, so it was only 6 AM when Carly called her dad to open the door so we could go into the house. He was very surprised as he didn't know I was bringing Carly and Trevyn with me. I'm pretty sure it was a very pleasant surprise.

We had a very good time while we were there, had some good food thanks to Krista. Played games, went to town a couple of times, and spent a lot of time sitting in the backyard where Bryce loved to ride his little electric four wheeler. He can be seen in this picture destroying the packing styrofoam which was used with the bunk beds they bought for the boys. Never a dull moment when you have a couple of young boys to keep things lively!

Of course there was some down time as seen here with Bryce and Chris just taking it easy. Chris works odd hours with mixed days and nights, so sometimes a day of rest is called for. I guess Bryce decided if dad was sleeping there wasn't much for him to do either. Quiet time can be a nice thing when you live with a houseful of kids! Living alone as I do, I know I can appreciate it.

A day at the park was planned and we went to one in Blytheville so Bryce could feed the "chickens". He can be seen here doing just that. We spent a good amount of time there letting the kids run and play. A little excitement happened while we were there as some gunshots could be heard. Chris informed a local policeman who was passing through the park about it. The way Chris talked, this is a normal thing to experience in Blytheville. Thankfully they don't live near town so hopefully they are away from the violence.

A couple more photos in the park, Christian and Bryce swinging, with Breonna pushing and Christian and Trevyn in the stroller. Trevyn enjoyed a nap most of the time we were there.

Friday was cold and rainy, so we spent that day inside watching TV. I ended up going to bed kind of early as I knew we were leaving the following day. So after everything was packed and goodbyes had been said, we headed towards Indiana about 1:30 PM after filling up in Blytheville for this unheard of price. Took $31.25 to fill up my car.

The trip back home was fairly uneventful. Trevyn got a little fussy a couple of times, but nothing that bad. We made a couple of stops along the way, but after dropping Carly and Trevyn off at their house I arrived back home about 9:30 PM. Trips are great fun, but it's always nice to be back home...

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