Saturday, June 22, 2013

You may find this a bit strange...

Some of you may not think this is a good subject for a blog post, but who really is to say what a person might find interesting. The subject is my keyboard, or more importantly, how comfortable I am with it, and how long it has lasted.

As a writer of any kind will tell you, unless you feel comfortable with your writing device, very few words will ever be written. The words need to flow and having the right device can make all the difference in the world!

For those interested, the keyboard I use is a Kensington Ci70. At $50, it was by far the most expensive keyboard I've ever purchased, but I've been using it now for over 4 years and it still performs as well as it did the day I got it. Quite a statement from someone who regularly eats at their desk and rarely remembers to push the keyboard drawer in.

And while others might proclaim a similar ability with their keyboards, few can do it without physically taking the keyboard apart to clean the crumbs out now and then. You can, however, do that with this one. A few sharp taps on it's edge will dislodge most any crumb and have the keyboard working properly again. Very important for people like me who are, shall we say, less than tidy when they eat.

So after 4 years of service, I have yet to dismantle this keyboard for any reason, and in fact would not know how to do it if the need ever did arise. So hats off to you Kensington, for designing a piece of equipment for us slobs. Bravo!

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