Saturday, August 28, 2010

My New Home

Welcome to my new home.  I've made the switch to Blogger for a couple of reasons, but mostly because it is easier to use.  Wordpress wasn't bad, but it didn't offer all of the features I wanted and what features it did offer were more difficult to implement.  I use a lot of Google products and like the fact that they make it easy to go from one to the other using the same Google login.

Over the coming weeks I hope to archive all of my old Wordpress posts over to this site, but I will leave my old blog as it is for now, with a link to this one of course.  Hope you enjoy my new site as much as I have making it!

EDIT: That didn't take as long as I thought it would.  I now have all of my blog posts moved over here.  I still need to add my links, etc.  But that shouldn't take too long to do. Let me know what you think about my new home.

Monday, August 23, 2010

That Time Again

Yep, once a year, the sleepy little town I live in becomes a frenzied mass of people and vehicles, all trying to get somewhere.  I suppose the merchants are happy, people in town are what they strive for all year long.  I hope they get their fill.
As for me, it's just a royal PITA!  Not one for going down to the riverfront to partake inthe good times, I just struggle to get from my home to the store to buy some supper or whatever.  I don't recall ever being asked if I wanted this to happen here, but then I don't suspect anyone was ever asked.
In case you haven't figured it out by now, the Swiss Wine Festival starts on Thursday and continues through Sunday.  I'm overjoyed at the prospect.  Overpriced rides and food, more drunks than you've ever seen in one place before, not to mention the Little Swiss Polka Dancers & Edelweiss Dancers.
Odd combination you say?  Drunks and kids?  All depends on how you look at it.  Family entertainment takes on many forms in this country and small town festivals are no different than any other venue used to provide this entertainment.  They strive to keep the drinking away from the children's activities, but with that many people, well...
So come one and all, our town is no different than yours, everyone loves to have fun, some more than others.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I Love My Job

I've heard it said many, many times, men rule the world.  That may or may not be true, but one thing is for certain, women make the world go 'round! This is something I have always suspected, but since my employment with the USPS, I have come to realize, this is a fact.
Keep in mind these statistics are purely unscientific, more like one rural mail carrier's observations, but I've seen it happen time after time after time.  When a woman lives in a household, the mail volume for that box increases significantly.  There are no exceptions, no real differences in each case.
An example would be a man, living alone.  He will get his utility bills, the occasional sports or car  magazine, perhaps an ad or two from Cabela's or Bass Pro Shops, and not much else.  But let a woman move in and bam, the mail volume increases by a factor of 4 times as much at least!
While the difference is mainly due to more ads, even the bills and incidental mail will also be increased.  Credit card statements, overdraft notices, Blockbuster, Netflix, Good Housekeeping, Elle, Oprah, People, Woman's Day, American Baby, parcels, etc.  It just goes on and on!
Just think, if there were no women, there would be no JC Penny, plain and simple.  Using my own route as an example, I would have to say that women account for at least 95+% of the ads that this company sends out, and they are by far the largest mailer using the USPS.
Simply put, if women ever stopped shopping, we would not have to worry about who was in the white house, it wouldn't matter a bit.  The country would cease to function and we would all be standing in the soup line.  So you ladies don't fret, your Kohl's ad will be here before you know it and all will be right with the world once again...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Update To My Three Displays...

I now have a new computer system which is able to access more displays.  I bought an MSI P55-GD80 with an i5 750 CPU.  With the help of a guy (kdawg) on the InsanelyMac forum, I now have it working with it's 3 video cards, each of which is capable of driving dual displays.  IOW, as soon as I can afford it, I will add 3 more monitors on my desk for a total of 6!
Okay, I can hear some of you way in the back asking "Why?"  Of course the standard reply to that would be, "Why not?", but you all know I'm not a standard kind of guy.  No, the reason is simple, more display area equals more productivity.
Computers are task intensive, they thrive on doing more than one thing at a time.  You've already seen how I set my email program on one monitor and web browsers on the other two, well with 3 more displays I can also be doing other things at the same time, all while keeping an eye on what is going on around me.
With this system I could also have Windows 7 running in a window on one of the displays for even more choices of things to do.  Take it from me, more is better and if 3 is good, then 6 is twice as good.
And besides all of that, it's what I want and that is, after all, the bottom line...