I now have a new computer system which is able to access more displays. I bought an MSI P55-GD80 with an i5 750 CPU. With the help of a guy (kdawg) on the InsanelyMac forum, I now have it working with it's 3 video cards, each of which is capable of driving dual displays. IOW, as soon as I can afford it, I will add 3 more monitors on my desk for a total of 6!
Okay, I can hear some of you way in the back asking "Why?" Of course the standard reply to that would be, "Why not?", but you all know I'm not a standard kind of guy. No, the reason is simple, more display area equals more productivity.
Computers are task intensive, they thrive on doing more than one thing at a time. You've already seen how I set my email program on one monitor and web browsers on the other two, well with 3 more displays I can also be doing other things at the same time, all while keeping an eye on what is going on around me.
With this system I could also have Windows 7 running in a window on one of the displays for even more choices of things to do. Take it from me, more is better and if 3 is good, then 6 is twice as good.
And besides all of that, it's what I want and that is, after all, the bottom line...
Hello! I've tried reaching you (and kdawg) through some forums but was unable to - I also own a p55-gd80 and have been trying to install multiple cards but have had no luck. Do you think you could send me a copy of your dsdt or whatever method you used to get your setup working? martinibouquet#gmail.com