Sunday, August 15, 2010

I Love My Job

I've heard it said many, many times, men rule the world.  That may or may not be true, but one thing is for certain, women make the world go 'round! This is something I have always suspected, but since my employment with the USPS, I have come to realize, this is a fact.
Keep in mind these statistics are purely unscientific, more like one rural mail carrier's observations, but I've seen it happen time after time after time.  When a woman lives in a household, the mail volume for that box increases significantly.  There are no exceptions, no real differences in each case.
An example would be a man, living alone.  He will get his utility bills, the occasional sports or car  magazine, perhaps an ad or two from Cabela's or Bass Pro Shops, and not much else.  But let a woman move in and bam, the mail volume increases by a factor of 4 times as much at least!
While the difference is mainly due to more ads, even the bills and incidental mail will also be increased.  Credit card statements, overdraft notices, Blockbuster, Netflix, Good Housekeeping, Elle, Oprah, People, Woman's Day, American Baby, parcels, etc.  It just goes on and on!
Just think, if there were no women, there would be no JC Penny, plain and simple.  Using my own route as an example, I would have to say that women account for at least 95+% of the ads that this company sends out, and they are by far the largest mailer using the USPS.
Simply put, if women ever stopped shopping, we would not have to worry about who was in the white house, it wouldn't matter a bit.  The country would cease to function and we would all be standing in the soup line.  So you ladies don't fret, your Kohl's ad will be here before you know it and all will be right with the world once again...

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