Thursday, December 5, 2013

Google doesn't get it

There is a sizable number of YouTube users who are fed up with Google's recent push to have all YouTube accounts added to Google Plus. It's funny, the largest of any of the so-called social media sites must resort to trickery and deceit to recruit new members.

If Google Plus is so great, how come Google has to resort to using it's clout to force the YouTubers into it's fold? Facebook and Twitter never did that and they seem to be just fine. I guess Google wasn't secure enough in it's product to do it the old fashioned way.

I like (and use) a lot of Google products (including this blog), but I want to pick and choose which ones I use, not have it dictated to me by Google! Maybe Google is copying Apple as they have forced their desires onto their users since the beginning of time. Apple knows best, now Google too?

Most YouTubers will go along with the changes, but I can totally guarantee that most a) will not like it and b) will not ever use Google Plus. You can't force people to do something they don't want to do Google, get that through your thick corporate head!

And while I'm on the subject of Google bashing, this push to get everyone using their real name for all Google accounts is bullshit. Pardon my language, but it upsets me to no end for companies like Google to allow people to use their internet handle or nom de plume as the French might say, to set up their accounts and then have the gall to come along and want you to change it to your real name.

I set up my internet moniker a long, long time ago and I am known by that name (mosslack), in all of the sites I visit and use regularly. Now I'm just suppose to change all of a sudden b/c Google has some vision of world peace through people worldwide using their real name? Get real Google, this is real people you are dealing with. We like our anonymity on the internet. We don't care to have our real identities known by every internet scam artist who comes along. Stop living in a dream world!

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