Friday, December 6, 2013

TWIT TV fumbles again

I used to think Leo Laporte was a smart man. His Twit TV network seemed to be doing well. But lately, my viewing has tapered off a bit and now, with his latest decision, I probably won't watch at all.

What decision is that? You ask, well I'm talking about the failure to renew Tom Merritt's contract in favor of Mike Elgan,  (Mr. Personality as I call him). Tom may have moved to LA, but I thought his TNT show didn't miss a beat when he started doing the hosting remotely.

As with all such decisions, I'm sure there is more to the story than is being told. At one point, Leo had mentioned handing over more of his duties to Tom, but the handwriting had been on the wall for some time now.

First thing I noticed was Tom's absence on Leo's Triangulation program. I believe Leo passed that off as Tom not wanting to do the show any longer, who knows for sure what happened there. I realize in the business of show, personalities sometimes clash and no doubt Leo would get his way in any such debacle.

And just to be clear, what Leo and his gang do is considered show business. It may all be about tech related stuff, but when it comes to getting in front of a camera, the only thing that matters is how well you pull it off. And Tom Merritt did a great job, he was witty, personable and seemed to be at ease in front of the camera.

Mike Elgan, while I'm sure he is a good tech news journalist, has none of the qualities it takes to be an on-air personality. Maybe Leo thinks he can bring him around and loosen him up a bit, who knows. I have to admit that Fr. Robert Ballecer is doing a much better job than I thought he would do. So maybe Leo can work his magic with Mike as well.

It will be an interesting experiment to be sure, but one I probably won't catch. I feel sorry for Leo, his decision will affect Twit TV much more than it will Tom Merritt. Tom will land on his feet and I believe come out of this even stronger. Best wishes to Tom and his wife Eileen Rivera as they continue their new Twit-less life in LA.

And to Leo, I was with you from the start, watched all of the shows you were involved in, good and bad. But I've grown tired of your ways of late and will probably not watch Twit so much anymore. Good luck to you with the new setup, may you be happy and secure in the knowledge that you have managed to alienate yet another viewer. Maybe that is your goal in life, who knows...

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