Friday, February 25, 2011

And then the rains came

Okay, I knew the patch on my roof from where the tree fell over against it last year would not hold forever, but somehow you just never think it will actually fail.

About 4 AM this morning, I was awaken by the sound of something crashing to the floor above my room.  Very heavy rain had been predicted by the weather service, so I figured it was related to that.  Sure enough, apparently the wind event we experienced recently had loosened the patch to the point where it was allowing the rain to come in.

Although the area doesn't appear that way on the outside, close examination of the plaster which fell last night revealed that it was in fact damp.  Looks like a repair of some sort is called for, but I'm just not sure what I can do without actually having to get up on the roof.

I suppose removing some lath boards is the first order of business to see if I can tell exactly where the loose tin is and then maybe some kind of inside repair.  You can view a video of the damage here but keep in mind that a lot of the area where the plaster is gone was already like that from where the tree fell against my house last year.  I'm getting too old for this crap!

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