Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Big Announcement

Well, now that we know what Apple has come up with for it's next gen iPad, the real debate starts. Is the desktop PC dead? I'm sure this is a valid debate for certain people, but I still think for the majority of users, it's not really all that important.

Just listen to any tech podcast or even the tech journalists on TV, they all think this is the big question. To them, I'm sure it's true. They live in a completely different world from the rest of us. It's really no different from any other main stream media, none of them can see the forest for the trees.

Now everyone who knows me, knows I'm a tech junkie, but I'm writing this while sitting at my desktop computer system. At the same time, I am watching Tech News Today on and in the background, I have EyeTV recording content coming from my HDHomeRun streaming TV over my LAN. I'm also monitoring my file server via the screen sharing capabilities of OS X as well as receiving email.

My point is, there is no way I could do this with any tablet, much less an iPad. I might manage to do one of those things, but since tablets can only run one program at a time, there is so much I would miss out on. I'm sure I'm not the only one, when you use a desktop computer, you just get used to being able to do more than one thing at a time.

So sorry Apple, your new iPad is nicer than the previous version, but it's not going to make people stop using their desktop computers. So despite saying the phrase post PC repeatedly in your announcement today, it ain't gonna happen.

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