Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Day 21,268

Doesn't sound special you say?  I beg to differ.  For this day in  my life turns out to be Father's Day, 2010.  It also means that 38 years ago, October 6, 1972 to be exact, the event which qualified me as a father happened, the birth of my son.  I guess I didn't feel that was enough to really qualify me as a father, so the blessed event was repeated on January 5, 1974 with the birth of my daughter.
Okay, now with 2 children to care for I must be considered a true father, right?  Wrong!  I've learned over the years since that being a father is a lot more than banging out a couple of kids.  There are mistakes to be made and the learning process never really ends.
Of course it's not all about mistakes, every now and then you get lucky and do something right.  You give the right advice, relate a funny story to cheer up a sad child just at the right moment, those are the times you treasure.  Not that the mistakes are not rewarding in their own way, but it's only natural that the good times are the favorite ones.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is no right or wrong way to be a father.  You simply do the best you can with what you have to work with.  You don't always succeed, but then you don't always fail either.  A lot like life itself, you take the good with the bad and make the best of it.
So on this Father's day, I would like to thank my children, Chris and Autumn, for making my job a little easier, my life a little brighter and a lot more fun at times!  You guys have been the biggest joy in my life and I love you both very much.

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